Copy this code and paste it in the reply section on the  career category that best fits you. Simply replace the BOLD WORDS with your information. Delete the line of code of any section you don't wish to appear on your profile.

[embed]<a href="INSERT PHOTO URL" imageanchor="1" style="clear: left; float: center; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="200" src="INSERT PHOTO URL" width="145" /></a>[/embed]

[embed]<b>NAME HERE</b>[/embed]
[embed]<b>POSITION/TITLE HERE</b>[/embed]

Insert information about who you are and your career history here  

[embed]<b>Skills &amp; Expertise:</b>[/embed]
Insert Information about areas you excel in here

[embed]<b>Current Projects or Skills Outside of Work:</b>[/embed]
Insert Information about projects your are working on or new skills you are acquiring here

[embed]<b>Looking To Gain Experience:</b>[/embed]
Insert what you new area or field you would like to try and get experience in here

[embed]<b>Personal Interests &amp; Hobbies</b>:[/embed]
Insert some personal information you would like to share to see if you have common interests with others you are networking with here

[embed]<b>Social Media profiles/Websites/Portfolio</b>:[/embed]
LinkedIn URL

Twitter URL

Email URL

Facebook URL

Website URL 

(or any way you want people to contact you or view your work) Delete this Section

